Michele Renee, DC, MAc is a family doctor who treats the whole person, and the whole family, from the first day of life to the last.

She is a healer first and foremost, offering gentle chiropractic adjustments through the experienced hands of a long-time massage therapist and body worker.

With an additional deep pool of knowledge about nutrition and healing from the inside out, she approaches each client individually from the Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective. She also applies principles of functional medicine to find the root cause of the issue, and not just manage symptoms.


Dr. Renee brings a clarity to healing in her understanding that no two people are alike, and no two approaches to healing should be alike either. This involves listening deeply and being fully present to hear the whole story and find a path forward.

She provides a safe place for exploring the possibilities for healing, drawing from her unique collection of skills to find the individualized approach to care that’s just right for you.


A massage therapist since 1998, Dr. Renee graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences University (NWHSU) as a Doctor of Chiropractic in 2008 and Master of Acupuncture in 2016.

In 2020, Dr. Renee earned her Certificate in Integrative Healthcare Leadership at Duke University. Additionally, she will be completing her Master of Health Sciences in Applied Clinical Nutrition in December 2021.


Dr. Renee is currently serving as the Director of Integrative Care and Associate Professor at NWHSU. She also volunteers in both support and leadership capacities for several professional associations, including the Integrative Health Policy Consortium, the Academic Collaborative of Integrative Medicine, and the Society for Oncology Massage. Notably, she is currently serving as the president of Alliance for Massage Therapy Educators.

She contributes regularly to magazines, trade journals, and professional texts, and speaks nationally at highly regarded healthcare conferences.


Dr. Renee is always happy to provide referrals to other trusted professionals, such as medical doctors, physical therapists, and other excellent providers in order to provide the best health care team possible. The whole is most certainly greater than the sum of its parts! Come on in today for a consultation to learn what your customized care can look like.

Please note: Dr. Renee is not taking new patients as she navigates a significant illness. However, she is happy to connect you with someone else in the area who may be a good fit for your needs. Thank you for your understanding.

(651) 757-8750
View rates, schedules, and availability here.